Browse Items (356 total)

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wurde in Jönköping (Südschweden) eine Büste der Tochter Gustav Adolfs eingeweiht. Geboren 1626, gestorben 1689, war Christine 1632-1654 Königin von Schweden. - König Gustav V. von Schweden bei der Einweihung der Skulptur.

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Links: Rundes Häkeldeckchen mit Stoffeinsatz. - Oben: Ovales Deckchen in Deloshäkelei. - Unten und rechts: Tüll- und Rundhäkelei.

Z. Culton obit LG.jpg

Three pages of a solved math problem. Worked out by either Nelson or one of his students.

Snowy landscape featuring two buildings and rolling hills. Painting. Framed.

Snyder Obit LG.jpg
The galvanometer is a current measuring device. Gustav H. Wiedemann's version of the galvanometer was developed in 1874. The coils on either side of the suspended needle could be moved back and forth to change the sensitivity, and a series of coils,…

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Poster featuring images of Wendy Richards garden.

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Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels und seine Gemahlin während der Besichtigugn im Erweiterungsbau des Goethe-Nationalmuseums in Weimar.

Photograph of the Ward Briggs 67' Collection of James Dickey Exhibit, installed October 2015 in Leyburn Library.
This gimbaled, eight-day marine chronometer is a deck clock made by Waltham in Waltham, Massachusetts, made around 1910. The mount is to keep the clock face horizontal even if the box (and ship) roll in various ways.  A glass plate covered the…
This was the culmination of over a century of development of current-measuring instruments which relied on the interaction of currents with static magnetic fields. These instruments were mounted on a solid wall to prevent vibration, and a telescope…

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Die Träger des Blutonlens, die alten Kämpfer und alle Standarten der NSDAP haben auf Königsplatz Aufstellung genommen. Im Vordergrund die Särge der Gefallenen des 9. November 1923.
In this machine a fixed plate of glass has two metallic foil sectors glued onto it. The slightly-larger rotating plate has six foil dots with raised studs glued to it; the foil sectors are large enough so that two of the studs are opposite each…

Vor dem Einsatz an der Front.jpg
Abessinische Soldaten beim Zusammensetzen eines leichten Geschützes

Vor dem Abmarsch
prüft der Führer der Jugendschar noch einmal nach, ob alles in Ordnung ist, so vor allem, ob die "Affen" (Tornister) richtig gepackt sind.

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die vom 3. bis 10. November in Berlin stattfanden. - Isle Meudtner von der Staatsoper Berlin in "Drei Tänze des Werbens."
When this device is connected between two points in a circuit, it measures the relative voltage between the points by passing current through a coil of many turns of fine wire which, in turn, causes the needle to deflect.
Manufactured about 1920 by Voigtländer & Sohn AG of Braunschweig, Germany.  A folding plate camera using a 6x9cm film back. It has a Voigtländer Anastigmat Voigtar 105mm f/6.3 lens set in a IBSOR DDR shutter made by AGC and having the AGC…

A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a partial vacuum. The first vacuum pump was invented in 1650 by Otto von Guericke. This 19th century pump is made of brass.


A portion of the Washington and Lee Trustees Papers, specifically regarding Nelson, in the minutes from October 3, 1910. Nelson was eulogized in the Trustee meeting following his recent death. Describing Nelson as gifted, talented, an asset to the…

This newspaper article announces an upcoming meeting of the people of Rockbridge County to discuss the possibility of dissolution of the federal government.

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Anlässlich der "Woche des Deutschen Buches" las auf einem von der Fichte-Gesellschaft in Berlin veranstalten Dichterabend der bekannte flämische Dichter und Maler Felix Timmermans aus seinen Werken vor.
An optical instrument used to measure angles in surveying, meteorology, and navigation. The earliest theodolite consisted of a small mounted telescope that rotated horizontally and vertically. Washington and Lee taught surveying in the mid-19th…
This late 19th century instrument is often called a Ruhmkorff coil, after the Parisan apparatus manufacturer Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff (1803-1877). Although he did not invent the induction coil, his name is often associated with it (particularly in…

Engraving of former slaves leaving their homes for New Bern, North Carolina escorted by Union soldiers after the Emancipation Proclamation.
This early relative of the slide rule has a cylinder 4 in. in diameter and 18 in. long that rotates and slides in and out between the array of twenty equally-spaced parallel bars. The bars have a scale with numbers spaced logarithmically, as on a…
The telegraph was invented by the artist and scientist Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872), who conceived the idea of the printing telegraph during an ocean voyage to Europe in 1832. The actuation of an electromagnet in the receiver would cause a…

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The tangent galvanometer is a current measuring device. It was first described in an 1837 paper by Claude-Servais-Mathias Pouillet (1790-1868), who later employed this sensitive form of galvanometer to verify Ohm's law. To use the galvanometer, it is…
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