Browse Items (356 total)

One of the loose pages pulled from the copybook / math journal. Most likely used as a spare page by Nelson, or the work of one of his students, this document is representative of many of the loose pages that were stuffed into the copybook.

Picture of dress featuring a record print, sewn by Mary Abdoney.
The Magdeburg hemispheres are a pair of large copper hemispheres with mating rims. When the rims were sealed with grease and the air was pumped out through the valve below the lower hemisphere, the lowered pressure within the sphere made it very…


Malerische Kleinstadt.jpg
Grunmarkt in Dinkelsbuhl


Colorful marbled papers

NOT YET LOCATED. The effects of electricity on the body can be traced back to 1745 when Pieter van Musschenbroek, testing out the one of the first Leiden jars, stated that "I felt myself struck in my arms, shoulders, and breast. I lost my breath, and…

bekannter Schauspieler, Leiter der Abteilung VI (Theater) im Reichspropagandaministerium and Präsident der Reichstheaterkammer, starb am 27. Oktober, erst 43 Jahre alt.

sandbag emplacement.jpg
Mit Sandsäcken befestigte Stellung der Italiener beim Fort Adirgat im Norden Abesiniens.
NOT YET LOCATED. The description below is not for these exact items. It belongs to a very similar item, which might nonetheless be helpful to the viewer. This cardboard aid for astronomy students was published by Henry Whitall, 512 Arch Street,…


Mussolini bild.jpg
im besetzten abessinischen Gebiet. - Italienische Truppen eines Lagers bei Adigrat stellten ein überlebensgroßes Bild des Duce auf, dessen Blick gewissermaßen von der ganzen Landschaft Besitz ergreift.

My [Gordon Ball's] last shot of Allen and Peter together,
en route to new 13th Street loft and dinner, June 1996.

tanks 4.jpg
Die von schwerem Nordoststurm aufgepeitschten Wasser der Ostsee richteten besonders auf der Insel Usedom grosse Verheerungen an. - Unser Bild zeigt die Steilküste bei Koserow, von der ein Teil weggerissen wurde.

Nachschub in Schwierigkeiten.jpg
Ein Transportauto der Italiener auf der "Strasse" von Adigrat nach Makalle an der Nordfront ist im Morast steckengeblieben und muss liegengelassen werden.

Nelson's reciept from Browning, King, & Co., a clothing company. His specific garments are listed, along with his own personal dimensions.

This directory, dated June 1, 1871, lists the newly elected leadership of New Providence Church.


1861 25th Va LG.jpg
This newspaper article announces the names of four men elected as officers for the Confederate States of America's 25th Virginia Legion, which was organized in Brownsburg.

1861 14 Cav LG.jpg
This newspaper article announces that the 25th Calvary Legion recently left Brownsburg and headed for Harper's Ferry.

Hunter's Raid Wheat Crop LG.jpg
This clipping describes a successful wheat harvest, which was not damaged during the recent raid by General David Hunter 's troops. It also shared other news related to the invasion, including that the VMI cadets have been temporarily furloughed and…

1865 deserters LG.jpg

This newspaper clipping reports the votes for or against secession by Rockbridge County district.
This device demonstrates “Newton’s Rings,” colorful interference fringes caused by a thin air layer first discussed by Isaac Newton in a communication to the Royal Society in December 1675, and presented an expanded account in his book "Optics"…


Nelson's keystone publication in mathematics, Points in Space and General Equations of the Second Degree Between Three Variables, was published in 1892 by the Houston family, who were instrumental in founding the city of Houston, Texas. The Houston…

A paper on which Nelson asks for the announcement of the death of his grandchild to be put in the newspapes. This was one of the personal items that were stuffed in the copybook

Für den Abend wählt man das kleidsame Nutria-Cape

Hileman Oath of Allegiance Notification.jpg
This Oath of Allegiance to the United States was signed by Confederate veteran Daniel Hileman of Rockbridge County, Virginia.

Aus aller Welt 4 Oberst.jpg
bischer Leiter der Fähnrichschule Eiche, wurde als Nachfolger des in das Reichsluftfahrtministerium berufenen Obersten Loerzer zum Reichsluftsportführer ernannt.
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