Browse Items (356 total)

Portion of kitchen & hallway, Allen Ginsberg’s E. 12th Street apartment, New York City, November 1987.
Principal photos, from left: Arthur Rimbaud, Chögyam Trungpa, Walt Whitman. Calligraphy by Trungpa.

Poets Philip Whalen (left) and Allen Ginsberg at Ball's apartment, August 1971, San Francisco. Soon Allen would leave for Bangladesh, where he'd write "September on Jessore Road."
An instrument with a movable pointer used for mechanical measurements of the area of an (irregular) plane figure.


Pin displayed on fabric
Pin made out of seashells, sea glass, and animal fetish and totem beads.
This picture was taken around the year 1900. The laboratory room was in the attic of Reid Hall and was heated by a potbelly stove. On the right is a good example of a large vacuum pump that resembles those sold in the 1850's by Chamberlain of Boston.…

Photographer Allen Ginsberg shoots rock star Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), New York University Beat conference, May 22, 1994.
Reading from On the Road during marathon reading of the novel.


George Crook.jpg

No Id_Father and Son Soldiers - RHS.jpg

RE Lee 18640001.jpg

NEw  Providence Church.jpg

Robert McChesney#1.jpg
This photograph is of Lieutenant Robert McChesney, a Brownsburg resident, who served in Co. H., 14th Virginia Calvary.

This photograph is of Jump Mountain, which is located near Brownsburg, Virginia.

Photograph of General John McCausland


Hunter full standing_cropped.jpg

Cyrus Armenicus Patterson.jpg

1861 B'Burg Seminary LG.jpg

RHS Photo Bellvue.jpg

This photograph is an ambrotype.
The name derives from the Greek word “to cheat”. The essential component of this device is a glass disk upon which are arranged figures radially, representing a moving object in successive positions. On turning the disk, and projecting a light beam…

In an article in the Ring Tum Phi, Nelson writes on his experiences at Washington and Lee starting when he matriculated in 1846 providing a unique perspective on the school, and the changes it had sustained over Nelson's 60 years at the University.

Buehnekunestlerin 2.jpg
und Bismarck. - Die Fünfzehnjährige wird aus Not Choristin. In raschem Aufstieg wird aus dem Wiener Chormadel die Primadonna größten Stils. Sie hat den Ruh,, die einzige Frau zu sein, mit der sich Bismarck allein photographieren ließ.

tanks 3.jpg
am Tage der feierlichen Übergabe der alten schwarzgelben historischen Feldzeichen an das Bundesheer.


Mixed media art, featuring cardinal. Created using acrylic, embroidery floss, pencil, and torn paper. Framed. Unsigned.

Aus aller Welt 4 Oberst.jpg
bischer Leiter der Fähnrichschule Eiche, wurde als Nachfolger des in das Reichsluftfahrtministerium berufenen Obersten Loerzer zum Reichsluftsportführer ernannt.

Hileman Oath of Allegiance Notification.jpg
This Oath of Allegiance to the United States was signed by Confederate veteran Daniel Hileman of Rockbridge County, Virginia.

Für den Abend wählt man das kleidsame Nutria-Cape

A paper on which Nelson asks for the announcement of the death of his grandchild to be put in the newspapes. This was one of the personal items that were stuffed in the copybook
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