Browse Items (356 total)

A letter written from Margant M. Ratcliffe to Nelson.

Alexander Lockhart Nelson's obituary which was published in the Rockbridge County News on the day following his death. Describes his impact in the Lexington community and at Washington and Lee, along with the details of his death. Nelson died on the…
These glass spheres were used to contain gases such as iodine, bromine, and hypo-nitrous acid in order to study their light-absorption properties, i.e. their absorption spectra. Light shown on the cell passed through the glass and was absorbed by the…

The three prisms hanging from the brass stand may be folded up in pairs to demonstrate achromatism (no color separation) or constant deviation (no color dependence of the angle of minimum bending of light.) These were made by Lerebours et Secretan of…


Transcribed in this journal is a previously undiscovered address on R. E. Lee, given by Nelson in what is now Lee Chapel in a weekly morning seminar. Describing, in detail, Lee’s initial ride into town through the intricacies of his funeral, he gives…




Allen Ginsberg inscribes his Collected Poems for Daisy Ball, Jackson, Mississippi, May 31, 1986. Daisy’s cheek was scratched in a roller skating fall.

Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, on Avenue C near Ginsberg’s E. 10th Street apartment, New York City, fall 1973. Allen and I [Gordon] were working on Allen Verbatim then.

Peter is reading Richard Hell's Go Now. Soon we'd leave to tour Allen's new loft and then dine at his favorite Mee Noodle Shop & Grill on First Avenue. June 1996.

Allen Ginsberg, Peter Orlovsky, New York City, New Year’s 1977.

Allen Ginsberg studies contact sheet of his mid-1950s shots of himself and Peter Orlovsky, Gordon Balls' home, Lexington, VA, February 1991.

Allen Ginsberg, Philip Whalen, novelist William S. Burroughs, swimming pool area, Varsity Apartments, Boulder, Colorado, July 1976.

Allen Ginsberg's Committee on Poetry, Inc. farm, Cherry Valley, New York Thanksgiving l969. From left, standing: Julius Orlovsky, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gordon Ball, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Creeley. Front, seated: Gregory Corso, Peter Orlovsky.

Detail, Allen Ginsberg’s shrine, June 23, 1991.
With framed photo of Chögyam Trungpa, Rimpoche.

"Wasser sparen!" mahnt ein Wort an der Wand. Wernünftiges Wirtschaften mit dem Wasser ist notwendig, da die Burg auf ihre eigenen Quellen angewiesen ist.

icebergz 5.jpg

liebhaber klavier.jpg
Dieses im 17. Jahrhundert und zu Beginn des 18. neber dem Klavichord gebräuchliche Tasteninstrument ist von intimem Klangreiz und findet jetzt in der Hausmusik wieder mehr Eingagn.

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An ammeter is a device for measuring electric current. The analog ammeter is constructed so as to pass only a small (but known) fraction of the current to be measured through the meter movement that deflects the needle. This allows a very sensitive…

Wasserloch der Ostenfront.jpg
stillt eine italienische Patrouille ihren Durst. - Um solche Wasserlöcher werden heftige Kämpfe geführt, da für die Italiener die Versorgung der Truppen mit Wasser eine der wichtigsten Fragn ist.
Analytical balances are accurate and precise instruments for weighing chemical samples. They require a dust-free and draft-free location on a solid bench that is free of vibrations. The samples must be measured at room temperature to prevent natural…


Nazi Erwachene 4.jpg
Mit einem Treffen der alten Kämpfer im Bürgerbräukeller wurden die Feierlichkeiten in München eingeleitet. - Der Führer bei seiner Begrüssungsansprache.
Lightning is the ultimate arc lamp, and so Benjamin Franklin's 1752 experiment of drawing electricity from the clouds and jumping a spark is perhaps the first arc lamp. In 1801 Humphry Davy observed the brilliant spark obtained when the connection…

Photograph of Arts & Crafts by Library Staff Exhibit, featured on Leyburn Library's Main Floor.

Digital collage of arts and crafts made by Alston Cobourn. Features images of jewelry, quilted items, and sewing projects.

Dragoon Graphic LG.jpg
This newspaper graphic is intended to call the Second Rockbridge Dragoons to action. This company become Co. H., 14th Virginia Cavalry.

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Auch Abessinien verwendet Tankabwehrgeschütze. Beim Widerstand gegen den italienischen Vormarsch.

Central America 3.jpg
hat den Weg in den Urwald gefunden, wo sie jetzt zum Hausrat so mancher Indianerfamilie gehört.
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