Browse Items (356 total)

Peter is reading Richard Hell's Go Now. Soon we'd leave to tour Allen's new loft and then dine at his favorite Mee Noodle Shop & Grill on First Avenue. June 1996.

My [Gordon Ball's] last shot of Allen and Peter together,
en route to new 13th Street loft and dinner, June 1996.

Allen Ginsberg (w/ Leica), Russian poet Andrei Voznesensky, dining near Chelsea Hotel, where Voznesensky often stayed in Arthur Miller's room. May 26, l994.

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Luis Rainer als Thomas Becket (in der Mitte stehend) in dem Drama "Tragödie der Leidenschaften" von Eugen Linz, das im Staatlichen Schauspielhaus zu Dresden uraufgeführt wurde. - Das Stück behandelt Herzens - und Hofintrigen in der Umgebung Heinrichs…

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bringt eine angenehme Unterbrechung in der Arbeit der Siedlersfrau.

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Der hier sich hinziehende Beund Entwässerungskanal hat mehrere Übergänge erhalten.

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Siedler begutachten ein Haferfeld.

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Der Schleusenwärter schliesst die Schleusen-Deichtore

Vor dem Abmarsch
prüft der Führer der Jugendschar noch einmal nach, ob alles in Ordnung ist, so vor allem, ob die "Affen" (Tornister) richtig gepackt sind.

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in dem mit Wandbildern geschmückten Aufenthaltsraum.

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hinein blickt die neue Jugendburg Stahleck.

"Wasser sparen!" mahnt ein Wort an der Wand. Wernünftiges Wirtschaften mit dem Wasser ist notwendig, da die Burg auf ihre eigenen Quellen angewiesen ist.

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weckt der Herbergsvater bei seinen jungen Gästen, indem er ihnen Func-stücke zeigt, die beim Ausbau der Jugendburg zum Vorschein kamen.

Winner of "First Place" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor "Book Nook"

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor "Book Nook"

Link to a poem published on page 15 of the The Blotter's December 2010 issue.

Nelson's reciept from Browning, King, & Co., a clothing company. His specific garments are listed, along with his own personal dimensions.

Letter which accompanied Pickens's commission to meet with the Creek Nation. There are three files available: a PDF transcription; a JPG image and a PDF, both taken from scans of the original document.||There are two files available: a PDF…

This letter accompanied an account statement. Calhoun remarks that "We are now exceedingly busily engaged." Also, "The administration is in a state of considerable confusion." There are several files available: a PDF transcription; JPG images of…

Describes the authorization and distribution of rations for Indians while treaties are being negotiated.||There are two files available: a PDF transcription and a PDF which was created from scans of the original document.

Features a brief discussion of the possible candidates for President.||There are two files available: a PDF transcription and a PDF which was created from scans of the original document.

Describes the authorization and distribution of rations for Indians while treaties are being negotiated.|

Features a brief discussion of the possible candidates for President.| There are two files available: a PDF transcription and a PDF which was created from scans of the original document.

This photograph is an ambrotype.

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor (room M42)

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Eine malerische Szene aus dem nun auch vertonten Film "Der Student von Prag."

Digital collage of arts and crafts made by Alston Cobourn. Features images of jewelry, quilted items, and sewing projects.

Digital art featuring a sleeping dog on a purple blanket.

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bekannter Schauspieler, Leiter der Abteilung VI (Theater) im Reichspropagandaministerium and Präsident der Reichstheaterkammer, starb am 27. Oktober, erst 43 Jahre alt.
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