Browse Items (356 total)

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Das Olympische Dorf bei Döberitz wurde vom Bauherrn, Reichskriegsminister Generaloberst v. Blomberg, zu einer einmaligen öffentlichen Besichtigung freigegeben. - Die ersten Besucher auf der "Hauptsrasse."

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die Stiftung des Reichsluftfahrtministers General Göring, wird bei der Preisverteilung im Luftsportverbandshaus zu Berlin von Reichsluftsportführer Oberst Loerzer dem Sieger in Diesem Wettbewerb, Major Klein von der Landesgruppe I Ostpreussen…

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Die von schwerem Nordoststurm aufgepeitschten Wasser der Ostsee richteten besonders auf der Insel Usedom grosse Verheerungen an. - Unser Bild zeigt die Steilküste bei Koserow, von der ein Teil weggerissen wurde.

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor "Book Nook"

Newspaper article of Virginia Governor John Letcher's response to the U. S. Secretary of War Simon Cameron's request for part of the Virginia militia to be sent to Washington, D.C. to serve in the Union army. In this reply, Governor Letcher refuses…
While purporting to give his views on the prospects of Washington and Lee University, this letter goes on to examine the problems facing the South since the Civil War. There is one file available: a PDF which was created from scans of the original…
Johnston explains why he sends the accompanying copy of a book he'd written as a memorial to his father. There is one file available: a PDF which was created from scans of the original document. There is no transcription of this document.

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This scan is an image of the book's title page and previous page, which contains an engraving entitled The Four Representations of Mankind thatdepicts Europeans, Asians, Africans, and Native Americans.

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Unterricht im Zeichensaal der Rheingan-Schule in Berlin

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Vor hundert Jahren, am 30. November, wurde in Florida der Schriftsteller Samuel Langhorne Clemens geboren, der under dem Pseudonym Mark Twain als einer der größten HUmoristen Weltruhm erlangte. - Mit Vorliebe arbeitete er, wie ihn unser Bild zeigt,…


George Crook.jpg

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor (room M42)

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Leyburn Libray, main floor (room M42)

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Poster featuring images of Wendy Richards garden.


This photograph is of Jump Mountain, which is located near Brownsburg, Virginia.

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Telford Library

Winner of "Honorable Mention" prize
Located in Telford Library

Winner of "Third Place" prize
Located in Leyburn Library, main floor "Book Nook"

A carte de physique (a type of smaller photograph) of Alexander Lockhart Nelson.

A cabinet (photograph) of Alexander Lockhart Nelson.

On rainy days_small.jpg

Ill do it later_small.jpg
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