Browse Items (356 total)

Auf dem einsamen Vorposten.jpg
Abessinische Patrouille in der Wüste von Ogaden beobachtet den Anmarsch des Feindes.

Central America 1.jpg
Reit- und Tragtiere waren die einzig möglichen Transportmittel, da der Weg stets schnell wieder zuwuchs.

Aufruf zur Verteidigungs des Vaterlands.jpg
Ein abessinischer Offizier fordert in den Strassen Addis-Abedas alle Männer zum heiligen Kampf gegen die Italiener auf.

Mark Twain theater film music 5.jpg
Im "Theater der Jugend" zu Berlin gelangte "Der ewige Student" von Grunwald und Sachs zur Uraufführung. - Szene aus dem ersten Akt.

Picture of baby pants and baby hat, sewn by Mary Abdoney.
The simplest type of balance, the equal-arm, or beam, balance, is an application of a lever. A uniform bar, the beam, is suspended at its exact center on a knife-edge set at right angles to it. The point of support is called the fulcrum. Two pans of…


eternal flame.jpg
Die 16 Gefallenen des 9. November 1923 werden feierlich in die beiden Ehrentempel am Königsplatz übergeführt

military service 3.jpg
das will auch gelernt sein!
This is a device used to demonstrate the effect of atmospheric pressure. A glass vessel with openings at the bottom and top has its large top opening covered by a piece of animal bladder that is tied to seal it around its edges. As air is pumped from…


Ginsberg's secretary Bob Rosenthal, assistants Peter Hale and Rani Singh, poet Anne Waldman, and friend Anna Condo following Jewel Heart service for Ginsberg (d. April 5). New York City, April 6, 1997.

Brownsburg Female Academy Reportcard.jpg
Brownsburg Female Academy report card for student Alice Johnston dated June 19, 1863.

outdoor school 8.jpg
Der hier sich hinziehende Beund Entwässerungskanal hat mehrere Übergänge erhalten.
Chemists, and other people who do careful weighings, know that we live at the bottom of a sea of air, and that a buoyant force equal to the weight of the air displaced by our bodies acts upward on us. Alas, the density of air is small, and the…


A cabinet (photograph) of Alexander Lockhart Nelson.

Cadets read Howl, February 19, 1991, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia.


From Special Collections & Archives’ Daniel Crump Buchanan Papers

(100 poets, one poem cards): poem/picture matching game



It starts here_small.jpg

The path_small.jpg

thank you_small.jpg

The path one forges alone_small.jpg

When the time comes_small.jpg

Fall seven times_small.jpg

If not_small.jpg

Life to its fullest_small.jpg

Ill do it later_small.jpg
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